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Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting this website. We hope you enjoy learning more about Nestlé and our products. Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad (“Nestlé“) respects your right to privacy in the on-line world. We put in place all necessary measures to keep secure any personal information you give us.

It is fundamentally important that you are informed that Nestlé is the Data Controller of your personal information. The principles set out in this Privacy Notice apply to all Data Controllers in the Nestlé Group (meaning Nestlé as Holding Company, its subsidiaries related and/or affiliated companies).

We asked ourselves a number of key questions that we believe you would like answered about the personal information that you submit to Nestlé. These answers will inform you of your rights relating to your personal information and the measures that Nestlé takes to maintain the privacy and security of this personal information. We trust you find this information helpful.





Q1: What personal information does Nestlé collect through this website         and how does Nestlé collect it?



We only collect personal information that YOU want to provide to us or that is needed to provide (and improve) our service to you. We collect direct personal information such as name, address and e-mail address as well as indirect information such as cookies; connection and system information.



Q2: How does Nestlé keep your personal information secure?



Only authorized Nestlé Group (meaning Nestlé as Holding Company, subsidiaries and its related and affiliated companies) employees, Third Party companies (i.e. service providers) or our business partners' authorised employees (who have contractually agreed to keep all information secure) have access to your personal information. All Nestlé employees who have access to your personal information are required to adhere to the Nestlé Group Privacy Policy and all third-party employees who have access to your personal information have signed non-disclosure agreements. To ensure your personal information is protected, Nestlé maintains a secure IT environment and has the appropriate measures in place to prevent unauthorised access.



Q3: Who does the Nestlé Group disclose your personal information to and why?



Nestlé will never share your personal information with any Third Party business organisation that intends to use it for direct marketing purposes unless you have given us specific permission to do this.



Q4: How long does Nestlé keep your personal information?



Nestlé may store the personal information that you send to us via this website in its separate databases such as its Customer Relationship Marketing database. Your personal information will be kept by the Nestlé Group only for as long as is reasonably necessary taking into consideration our need to answer queries or resolve problems, provide improved and new services and comply with legal requirements under applicable law(s). This means that we may retain your personal information for a reasonable period after you stop using Nestlé services or stop using this website. After this period, your personal information will be deleted from all systems in the Nestlé Group.

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